Additional One to One Chat with Sharon

I asked to speak to Sharon as a I was feeling quite lost in my project and was feeling overwhelmed. We had a great chat about closing off the current unit, looking towards the next unit and ways to generally improve my wellbeing. 

TPP1 Feedback 

  • acknowledge within your evaluations that your end point isn't clear, explain that visualisations are difficult for you to clarify because of the nature of your work. It is okay for it to feel inconclusive
  • maybe approach the final few slides by thinking of the different scenarios or outcomes that are possible; for example a physical object, a performative piece etc etc. These don't have to be set in stone but they can feed into your thinking. 
  • details can wait until TPP2, but for now everything can remain speculative because the ability to exhibit physically is not confirmed, nonetheless in TPP2 you can begin to lay foundations 
  • focus on making your body of research really strong 

Thinking towards TPP2 

  • in this unit you can begin to lay foundations and prepare, is it having stitched cloth ready, is it having digital designs prepared etc 
  • think about this time as ups killing and learning new skills, we know you can produce technical outcomes and printed outcomes, could you instead focus on illustrator and photoshop skills? could you work with manufacturers to produce your work in different materials? 


  • set up a desk space away from your room if you can, set up different stations (drawing, making, research etc)
  • be sure to balance work time with down time, working from 8am to 12pm isn't productive, stick to a routine and use work time purposefully 
  • give yourself down time 

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