Friday 28th May
Pre Tutorial Plan
1. Exhibition Catalogue
2. Exhibition Proposal
3. Physical Samples
Digital Submission * no visible progress since last feedback - task for next week
Tutorial Feedback / Relfection
The tutorial feedback was incredibly positive, it was great to be able to show Louise and Sharon my samples in person as neither of them had seen much of what I had produced not on a screen.
I was pleased that they felt the exhibition proposal and catalogue were strong enough to explain the body of work without the need of the samples, however we also felt that the sampling has really been a vehicle for me to achieve my final outcomes this year.
Actionable points
- Use the Digital submission to tie together the separate documents (proposal & catalogue)
- Book in to speak with Lesley to share your work, get her feedback on your proposal & catalogue post submission!
- Potentially speak with Amy (the gallery curator) for her feedback on your curation of the exhibition & proposed display on work.
- Louise mentioned the pages of my catalogue looking a little full so potentially some resizing could help this.