TPP2 Tutorial 7 (1-2-1 with April Sargent)
Friday 30th April
Pre Tutorial Critical Reflection -
List 3 priorities below to discuss at your tutorial:
- Bradford Competition Boards
- I'm hoping to plan/design a hypothetical exhibition as part of my FMP outcome, what are some spatial design foundations you always work by? (Share process images of my project)
- How has your working life developed/changed in the last 6 months since we last saw you? (covid changes/projects/professional development)
During your Tutorial:
Bradford board Feedback
- reminds April of the René Magritte painting of two people in an embrace *ref
- reminds April of the Grand Canyon . heavy contrast is great
- make the Isamu Noguchi image bigger , it is a strong element of this board, especially relevant at the present moment (swap with image to the left) [ protection / errie environments / desertion ]
Exhibition Design
- figure out what direction you are coming from/ what is the point of view - is this for a brand, artists or designer? - what is important - creative interpretation or commerciality?
- list your exhibition items and consider how you would like each displayed eg. plinth, hung etc , how is it positioned?
- the visualisations and translating your space are going to be really important whether they are digital or hand drawn, think about making perspective sketches *see interior design perspective sketches
- create floor plans to help with your space visualisations - auto cad is great for this, or illustrator * search floor plan tutorials
- what is the relevance of every piece?
- does layout affect the narrative? is they a direction of travel?
Post Tutorial Critical Reflection:
Personal comments
- Having taken two weeks out to focus on my contextual studies piece, I am nervous about the state of my project but I also know I prioritised my time like this knowingly and to give myself 5 weeks of unbounded practical work.
- I think having an in person tutorial with sharon could be helpful
- I think getting my digital submission together could also help guide these next 5 weeks, as well as identifying what I want my final outcomes to be and what want for hand in / portfolio / new designers
- I am really looking forward to getting the hypothetical exhibition together
- Action Bradford board feedback
- Reference the René Magritte painting in research
- Explore perspective drawing inspiration