TPP2 Tutorial 7 (1-2-1 with April Sargent)

                 Friday 30th April

 Pre Tutorial Critical Reflection -

     List 3 priorities below to discuss at your tutorial:

    1. Bradford Competition Boards
    2. I'm hoping to plan/design a hypothetical exhibition as part of my FMP outcome, what are some spatial design foundations you always work by? (Share process images of my project) 
    3. How has your working life developed/changed in the last 6 months since we last saw you? (covid changes/projects/professional development)

    During your Tutorial:

    Bradford board Feedback

    1. reminds April of the René Magritte painting of two people in an embrace *ref
    2. reminds April of the Grand Canyon  . heavy contrast is great 
    3. make the Isamu Noguchi image bigger , it is a strong element of this board, especially relevant at the present moment (swap with image to the left) [ protection / errie environments / desertion ]
    Exhibition Design 
    1. figure out what direction you are coming from/ what is the point of view - is this for a brand, artists or designer? - what is important - creative interpretation or commerciality? 
    2. list your exhibition items and consider how you would like each displayed eg. plinth, hung etc , how is it positioned? 
    3. the visualisations and translating your space are going to be really important whether they are digital or hand drawn, think about making perspective sketches *see interior design perspective sketches 
    4. create floor plans to help with your space visualisations - auto cad is great for this, or illustrator * search floor plan tutorials 
    5. what is the relevance of every piece? 
    6. does layout affect the narrative? is they a direction of travel? 

    Post Tutorial Critical Reflection:

    Personal comments 

    • Having taken two weeks out to focus on my contextual studies piece, I am nervous about the state of my project but I also know I prioritised my time like this knowingly and to give myself 5 weeks of unbounded practical work. 
    • I think having an in person tutorial with sharon could be helpful 
    • I think getting my digital submission together could also help guide these next 5 weeks, as well as identifying what I want my final outcomes to be and what want for hand in / portfolio / new designers 
    • I am really looking forward to getting the hypothetical exhibition together 


    1. Action Bradford board feedback 
    2. Reference the René Magritte painting in research 
    3. Explore perspective drawing inspiration 

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