TPP2 Tutorial 6 (pair tutorials with Phillipa Lawrence)

Thursday 15th April 2021

    Question 1 :  Do you have a way of collecting feedback? 

    Answer :

    - its very trendy to monitor feedback / monitor footfall etc - especially for current arts funding / commission work 

    - attendance figures / visitor books 

    - its finding a way to do collect feedback without impacting the experience 

    - also you never want the questions to be led, the response really needs to come from the visitor 

    - often the host gallery or organisation will be responsible for this as opposed to the artist 

    public realm (very popular at the moment, focus on involvement, strategic in approach) | gallery art 

    Question 2 : Do you consult your audience at the start at the start of your projects? or is it fully formed from your own research / or the brief? How important is response or is the process of making and sharing more a release for you? 

    Answer :

    - a work is never finished until you present it

    - Phillipa doesn't really consult the audience per say, but she's grateful that people resonate with her work 

    -  figure out what the making is an act of and what the sharing is an act of for you and this will guide you 

    Question 3 : What is your dream project? A project you would love to realise next? 

    Answer : 

    - the context determines how it will land 

    - site-responsive / site-specific / site-sensitive

    - space first or idea first?  

    - what are the parameters of the space?

    General Advice 

    - be aware of your contemporaries but maintain the one foot in / one foot out approach 

    - always show up for yourself and your peers 

    - think about how the work may be received 

    - in terms of conveying space use scale models, collages, CADS, sketches 

    - think about the site more than the visuals (times of day, weather)

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